This part is compatible with models including; FG1F4034T3PV,FG2J5040T3NOV,FG12240T403NOV,FG6150T504NO,FG6240T403NOV,BFG6240T403NO,BFG6250T403NO,FG1H5040T3NOV,FG1F3030T3NOV,FG1F5050T4NOV,BFG1J5040T3NOV,FG1J4040S3NOV,FG6250T403NO,BFG6140T403NOV,BFG1F4040S3NOV,FG6240T403NO,FG6250T504NOV,FG6130T303NOV,FG2F4040T3NOV,FG1J4040T3NOV,FG6130T303P,FG6150S403NOV,FG1F5040T3PV,FG12250T403NO,FG1F4034T3NOV,FG1H4040T3NV,FG6250T403P,FG6140T403PV,BFG2J5040T3NOV,FG1F5040T3NOV,FG6140T403NOV,FG12140S403NOV
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; 6910424
Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands: American Water Heater Company
This manifold door gasket (part number 100112699) is for water heaters
This part is compatible with models including; FG12250T403NOV,FG2J5040T3NOV,FG1F5040T3PV,FG1J5040T3NOV,FG12250T403NO,FG1H5040T3NOV,FG6250T403P,FG12150T403NO,FG2F5040T3NOV,FG6150T403PV,FG6250T403NO,FG6250T403NOV,FG6150T403P,BFG1F5040T3NOV,FG12150S403NOV,FG6150T403NO,FG9150T403NO,FG1F5040T3NOV,FG6150T403NOV,FG6150S403NOV
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; 6910813,6910579
Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands: American Water Heaters
This manifold door assembly (part number 100093812) is for water heaters
This part is compatible with models including; 153330642,153330952,153331290,153330942,153331280,153331242,153330660,153331252,GS640UBRT100,GS640UOCT100
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; 9006443
Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands: Kenmore,State
This manifold door assembly (part number 9006443005) is for water heaters
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